If you want to become our preacher? You must sure that you have all our requirements, and do not apply to be a preacher if you are not a Bible reader.
- Make sure that you are a Bible reader, and one of your hobbies is to hear the word of God.
- All of your biblioblog posts must all about goodness, righteousness, truth, and surely written in the Bible and seriously, not bad to any eyes.
- Make sure the biblioblog that you've going to publish is come from your idea, and not fully copied on the other website.
- You must not cooperate to any religion, but only to the word of God which is written in the Bible.
- This biblioblog is supported by advertisements because the founder decided to be a full-time blogger here, instead of blogging other thing.
- Make sure that you understand lot of the words in the Bible in context.
- You are surely feel that you're blessed and guided by the Holy Spirit.
- There's something happened that correct you when you've mistaken understanding the Bible.
- No over 8 words, but remember the "a" and "the" are not counts.
- When you titled with "One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine" and its blog address became http://yodhewawhe.blogspot.com/2012/01/one-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight.html that have a missing title word on its address, please delete it and repost it again with a shorter title than before.
- We suggest to do not overdo the characters including the space ( ) to 39 for avoiding to get some missing title word in the web address.
- The first written must at least 120 characters without br tag, "enter", or line break.
- Low quality is not allowed, any peach that below 100 words on its whole content.
- Required to have at least one book, chapter, and verse of the Bible like "Matthew 1:1".
- Do not insert a link that doesn't match to your preach.
- Always "open a new tab" when you've inserting a link or put target="_blank" on a tag in the HTML.
- Named your image like image_title.jpg and not ImageTitle.jpg nor randomized it like 123abc.jpg.
- Only small letters, numbers, and dash ( - ) are allow. Use underscore ( _ ) as space, and no capital letter, space, ( ) or other character. ( .,'?! )
- Do not forget to filled up the alt tag as the short description of your image in the HTML. (Ex. alt="Image Description")
- The image that you wish to upload must match to your preach in your biblioblog post.
- Do not upload a low quality image, or an image that have a watermarks.
- If you didn't own the image? Please crop it, and required to insert a link to its source that will open in a new tab.
- Always put target="_blank" in the a tag of the img tag in the HTML to open it in new tab.
- Do not forget to labeled all your biblioblog posts.
- Put all the book(s) of Bible that in your biblioblog post as its label(s).
- Make sure that you labeled your post exactly on the labels of our Labeled Books of the New Testament and Labeled Books of the Old Testament.
- And do not forget to write your name as your official label where it will be link at the Preachers links on every sidebar of our biblioblog page.
- All of the label you should put in your biblioblog must a book of the Bible and your name as your official label.
If a preacher of this biblioblog intentionally violates any single of these requirements may caused the founder to delete their violated preach or may removed them as our preacher and replaced by the other cause our preachers is limited to 100 persons only.
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